Kid Reaction to Transgender Sister

I have asked my sister some questions in relation to having a transgender sister. If you’re interested in hearing what a 9 year old thinks of her sibling being transgender then continue reading.

What would you say is the definition of being transgender?

The definition of transgender is basically what the title is: changing or transitioning your gender from male to female or female or male.

How do you feel about one of your siblings being transgender?

Ok, plus most of my siblings were boys and I really wanted a sister so it kind of makes me happy to have someone in my family that is transgender. 

How have the rest of your family reacted to me being transgender? 

Mom I’ve mostly heard from and she sounds really supportive and she wants to help you as much as she can through this transition.

Do you think everyone should be open to loving transgender people?

Yes, because it’s just what they want to be like and how they want to live. I don’t really care if someone is trans. All I care about is that it makes them happy. 

Did you know some states are trying to ban transgender people from using the bathroom they feel most comfortable in? How does this make you feel?

Yes, I did know that and that’s why I like the company Target, for example, who allows trans individuals the ability to use the bathroom they’re most comfortable in. It makes me feel very mad that some of my favorite states, think transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to do what makes them feel the most comfortable.

Thanks for having an interest in what my little sister had to say! I hope these answers have given you all a little hope for the future. I have a question for you: how would you feel if someone in your house was transgender? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section of the YouTube video.